Tax Day Reminder

 Posted on April 15,2015 in Uncategorized

For those of you who pay child support or maintenance (alimony), make sure to take a look at your Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage or Custody Judgment now that tax time is here. In many instances, parties paying support are required to tender copies of their tax returns to their former spouse or significant other within so many days of filing them. Some people are required to pay additional support if their income exceeded the amount on which support was based. If you fail to comply with these terms, you may be subject to contempt proceedings, modification of your support payment retroactive to the date you were supposed to tender your returns, the accumulation of interest, and/or payment of your former spouse's or significant other's attorney's fees. If you are uncertain as to whether you are subject to these obligations or if your former spouse or significant other has failed to comply with these terms, call us for a free consultation.

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