Fighting Criminal Charges for Domestic Violence

 Posted on May 10,2023 in English

lombard defense lawyerWhen you are facing criminal charges for domestic violence in Illinois, you are up against life-changing circumstances. Your family and friends may see you in a different light, and if proven, the charge will be a permanent mark that can negatively impact future career and education opportunities. 

Consequently, working with a skilled criminal defense lawyer is essential. 

What Is Considered Domestic Violence in Illinois?

Domestic violence involves offenses against current or former household or family members, such as the following:

  • People you have shared a home with or are currently living with

  • Ex-spouses or spouses

  • Anyone you share a child with

  • Anyone who you are related to by blood or marriage, such as children, step-children, and parents

  • Individuals you have dated before or were engaged to

  • Disabled individuals and their caregivers

Anyone accused of domestic violence in Illinois should hire a skilled defense attorney to represent them and question the evidence gathered against them.

Penalties for Domestic Violence in Illinois 

Illinois has stringent penalties for domestic violence. For example, a domestic battery considered a Class A misdemeanor has a one-year jail sentence and a fine amounting to $2,500. It can be bumped up to a Class 4 felony if you have a prior conviction for:

  • Attempted murder

  • Order of protection violation

  • Heinous battery

  • Aggravated battery of a senior citizen, child, or unborn child

  • Aggravated stalking

  • First-degree murder

  • Illegal restraint

  • Criminal sexual assault

  • Kidnapping

  • Aggravated use of a firearm

Contact a Naperville Domestic Violence Defense Attorney from J. Aldrich Law, P.C. Today

A criminal charge can be daunting, especially if you don't have legal representation. With your future and freedom on the line, hiring a Naperville domestic violence defense attorney is an option you should consider. Contact us at J. Aldrich Law, P.C., for a consultation regarding your legal options today. We have represented clients facing criminal charges ranging from domestic violence to DUI and retail theft. Dial 630-953-3000 to set up a meeting.


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hoursEvenings and Weekends by Appointment