Steps You Can Take to Secure Parental Responsibilities in Illinois

 Posted on August 31,2020 in Child Custody

IL divorce lawyerEvery single year, thousands of couples throughout the United States make the difficult decision to file for divorce. The divorce process can be increasingly complicated when children are involved. In the state of Illinois, child custody is now referred to as parental responsibilities. Parental responsibilities will define how time with the children and decision making is allocated between the parents. Due to the fact that the court will make their decision based on the best interest of the child, it is your responsibility to prove that you can provide your child with a safe and healthy living environment. Below we will examine some of the steps you can take to secure parental responsibilities during your divorce.

What Do Parental Responsibilities Entail?

When you are awarded parental responsibilities, you will be in charge of ensuring that all of your child’s needs are met. This means that you will be tasked with providing your child with a healthy diet, getting your child to and from scholastic and extracurricular activities, addressing all medical needs of your child, and ensuring that some level of supervision is provided when you are not available to directly care for your child. In the state of Illinois parental responsibilities are divided into two categories: decision-making-power and parenting time.

What You Can Do to Secure Parental Responsibilities

In order to ensure that you are awarded the parental responsibilities you feel you deserve, it is critically important to prove that you are ready to be an independent parent. First and foremost, you need to prove to the court that you will be providing your child with a safe place to live. If you are moving to a new dwelling due to the divorce, ensure that the house or apartment has ample space for a child. Displaying to the court that you have an in-depth knowledge of your child’s academic priorities and extracurricular interests can also go a long way in showcasing your dedication as a parent. For more information on what you can do throughout the court process, speak with your attorney.

Contact a Naperville Parental Responsibilities Attorney

At J. Aldrich Law, P.C., we fully understand how stressful the divorce process can be. We also understand the increased emotional stress of navigating a divorce with children. Our firm is dedicated to helping parents secure parental responsibilities as well as child support. To schedule a free consultation with a knowledgeable DuPage county family law attorney, call us today at 630-953-3000.




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