Simple Steps You Can Take to Secure Parental Responsibilities

 Posted on February 27,2020 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerThe divorce process is a stressful time for all parties, especially when children are involved. In the state of Illinois, the court will carefully examine various criteria, including the living situations of both parents, to determine how parental responsibilities will be allocated. The revised language of Illinois’ child custody law is written in the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act, the allocation of parental responsibilities will determine who makes decisions about the child’s enrollment in schools, engagement in extracurricular activities, and of course parenting time. In order to ensure that you maintain a significant relationship with your child, the first step you should take is hiring a skilled legal professional. Your attorney will then guide you through the steps you can take to secure the parental responsibilities you deserve.

Prepare for Independent Parenting: As you prepare for your custody hearing, it is time for you to begin focusing on how you will adjust to life as an independent parent. If you left your shared home with your spouse, finding a place that is safe and suitable for children will play a major role in the court’s decision. If you were working long hours, you may need to make changes to your work schedule to meet the needs of your child. Proving to the court that you are ready to make the sacrifices that come with independent parenting, can go a long way in impacting their decision.

Be Prepared for the Custody Hearing: Preparing for your hearing with the Illinois family court system goes much farther than filing your forms correctly. You need to be prepared to advocate for yourself as the primary parent for your child. You may have limited speaking time at the hearing, thus it is incredibly important to work with your attorney as you prepare. Missing a custody hearing can be incredibly detrimental to your chances of earning parental responsibilities.

Comfort Your Child: While the logistical aspects of a divorce can be grueling, it is still crucial to focus on your number one role as a parent: being a parent. Having meaningful conversations with your child can help them relax and alleviate some of the stressors of the divorce process. Additionally, in certain cases a professional will speak with your child regarding their relationship with their parents. Trust your attorney to focus on the complexities of your divorce, and take the time to be a support system for your child.

Contact a Naperville Parental Responsibilities Lawyer

No divorce is easy, especially when children are involved. At J. Aldrich Law, P.C., we are dedicated to helping parents navigate the divorce process. Whether you are looking to secure parental responsibilities, or child support payments we will do everything in our power to ensure that you and your children have a happy and healthy future, after your divorce. To schedule a free initial consultation with a knowledgeable DuPage County family law attorney, call us today at 630-953-3000.



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