Many Sole-Custody Parents Never Receive Their Child Support Payments

 Posted on November 15,2018 in Child Support

IL family lawyerEvery year, thousands of American couples elect to separate and file for divorce. While the divorce process can be a painful transition, a divorce can lead to much-needed independence, a newly invigorated lifestyle, and another chance at finding love. When children are involved, divorce can come with complications. Despite the misconception that a child is better off in a household with two parents, even if the relationship is unhealthy, it is never healthy for a child to experience a marital relationship that is no longer functioning.

If your relationship with your spouse is no longer healthy, it is incredibly likely that you are no longer operating as a healthy parenting team. All that said, life as a sole-custodial parent can be highly stressful. Nothing causes single parents as much stress as questions of financial security. If you believe you are entitled to child support payments from your former spouse, it is time to contact a quality legal team.

Shocking Child-Support Statistics

Being a single parent can be a seriously difficult task. Balancing a full-time job, relationships, and parenting can be a nearly impossible juggling act. Life as a sole-custody parent becomes even more difficult if your spouse is avoiding paying their child support payments. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are over 13.4 million single custodial parents, living throughout the United States. Roughly half of those single parents have some form of child support payments established with their spouses. Unfortunately, that does not mean that all of them are receiving their payments.

Throughout 2013, approximately $32.9 billion was owed in child support payments. Tragically, less than 70% of that money was actually received by the custodial parent. Over 25% of all custodial parents, expecting some form of child support, received zero child support payments throughout 2013. The average monthly child support payment is less than $500, but that can ultimately make all the difference in the world for a child and parent in need.

Making the decision to take on raising a child as a single parent, can be an incredibly difficult decision. Still, having one full-custody parent can lead to increased consistency in daily routines, the ability for the child to remain in the same school district, and maintain the same friends. If you are not receiving the child support payments you deserve, it is time to seek out legal assistance.

Contact a Naperville Child Support Lawyer

At J. Aldrich Law, P.C., our team is dedicated to ensuring that you and your family maintain a vibrant financial future. Fortunately, we have years of experience helping single parents establish child support payment plans. To set up a free consultation with a DuPage County child support attorney, contact us today at 630-953-3000.



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