Have You Been Charged with a Street Crime in Illinois?

 Posted on August 18,2022 in English

Naperville criminal defense lawyerMany cities and towns across the United States have been dealing with increasing crime rates. While many people think of major crimes such as murder and sexual assault when they hear about crime rates, there has also been an increase in street crimes, which include offenses like robberies, vandalism, and solicitation. With law enforcement and prosecutors focused on cracking down on these types of crimes, it is especially important to have a skilled criminal defense attorney representing you.

What Are Street Crimes?

The term “street crimes” can apply from minor crimes all the way to major felony offenses. A street crime is one that occurs in a public place, such as in parks and neighborhoods, and is often deemed a crime of opportunity. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the crime can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony.

According to the Bureau of Justice, the federal agency that collects data on crime in the U.S., there are two different types of street crimes. Violent street crimes include arson, assault, homicide, rape, and robbery. Arson can also fall under property street crime, which includes burglary, larceny, and vehicle theft. The Bureau of Justice also includes hate crimes, drug crimes, and human trafficking under the category of street crimes. Minor street crime offenses include acts of loitering, disorderly conduct, trespassing, open container, and public intoxication.

Street Crimes Task Forces

One of the most common ways that police agencies across the state have addressed street crimes is by developing street crimes task forces. These forces typically have a group of officers, headed by one superior officer, that specially targets neighborhoods and areas where this type of criminal behavior is an issue. For example, the Cook County Sherriff’s Office task force focuses on narcotics investigations and intelligence, street crime suppression, and gun suppression. DuPage and Kane County Sherriff’s Office have joined together to form a street crimes task force that focuses on illegal drug crimes.

Contact a Naperville, IL Defense Attorney for Legal Help

If you have been charged with a street crime, it is important to have a skilled DuPage County criminal lawyer representing you. Depending on the charges and any past criminal record, you could be facing significant penalties, including jail time. Call J. Aldrich Law, P.C. at 630-953-3000 to schedule a free and confidential consultation. We will work diligently to make sure your rights are protected and you get the best outcome possible based on the circumstances of your case.




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