Commercial Drivers: Don't mail that ticket in yet...

 Posted on June 04,2015 in Uncategorized

If you hold a commercial drivers license* and receive a traffic ticket, it is important that you fully understand the impact of pleading guilty to the traffic offense for which you were cited. Even though your ticket might advise you that "no court appearance is required," mailing the ticket in along with payment of the fine is a plea of guilty and may result in a conviction on your record. Even a disposition of court supervision for an ordinary moving violation can have a serious impact on your commercial drivers license, your insurance rates, and ultimately, your employment.

Violations of more serious offenses will lead to disqualification of your CDL (even if you weren't operating a commercial vehicle at the time of the offense), such as:

  • Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Drugs, or a combination of the two;
  • Refusing to submit to a blood alcohol concentration test (even if DUI charges are not filed or are later dismissed); and
  • Leaving the scene of an accident.

Our attorneys are experienced in representing CDL drivers and understand that your livelihood is in our hands. Call us today for a free consultation before you pay that ticket by mail. If you already mailed in your payment and are having second thoughts, or if you have already found out that certain consequences have been detrimental to your employment, we may be able to file a Motion to Vacate, but must do so within 30 days.

*New federal standards for obtaining and renewing a CDL take effect July 1, 2015.

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