Can Household Chores Lead to a Divorce?

 Posted on June 27,2018 in Divorce

Illinois divorce lawyerHarvard Business School recently conducted a study asking 3,000 divorced couples why they split. They found that arguments over household chores were the top reason one-quarter of the marriages did not work out. Let’s take a closer look as to why this may be.

Couples Lead Busy Lives

Between having a career and caring for children, couples do not have a great deal of free time. When they have completed their duties for the day, the last thing they want to do is grocery shop, mop the floors, do the dishes, fold laundry, and complete other household chores.

Even if one spouse stays at home, they are usually exhausted by the end of the day and do not want to be responsible for every household chore. When they ask to split up this responsibility with their spouse, their spouse often becomes disappointed and not willing to help out.

How to Stop Arguments About Household Chores

Fortunately, there is an easy and effective way for couples to stop arguing about household chores. Research has proven that by investing on maid cleanings or related services such as grocery delivery or laundry services at the dry cleaner, couples do not have to worry about household chores.

By outsourcing a few chores, couples can enjoy more free time to relax and create happy memories with on each other. A 2017 study found that spending between $100 to $200 per month on cleaning services can make a significant difference in a couple’s quality of life.

Alternatives to Outsourcing Household Chores

Not every couple has the money to outsource household chores. Fortunately, there are still ways they can improve their relationship and reduce divorce risk. Couples who do not have room in their budget to hire out household chores should take the time to create a list of all the chores that need to be performed on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.

Once this list has been created, they should divide up household chores based on schedules, strengths, and preferences. Couples should remember that they are a team and it is both spouses responsibility to care for the maintenance of their home and well-being of their family.

Contact Our Naperville, IL Divorce Attorneys

If household chores have taken a toll on your marriage, you should reach out to our highly skilled Naperville, IL divorce lawyers. For a free, no-obligation consultation, call us at 630-953-3000.




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