Calculating Child Support Under Illinois’ New Law

 Posted on October 05,2017 in Child Support

DuPage County child support lawyersIf you have a pending divorce or child support case in the state of Illinois, you may have already heard the news: Child support, which was once calculated using a percentage-based formula in Illinois, is now being configured using an income-shares model. What does all this terminology mean, and how might it affect the outcome of your family law case? Learn the answers to these questions, and discover what an experienced family law attorney can do for you in your child support case or divorce, with help from the following information.

How the New Income-Shares Model Works

While the old child support law relied primarily on the income of the paying parent and the number of children shared, the new model considers the income of both parents, the cost of raising a child (based on the family’s income and expenses), and the amount of parenting time that each parent spends with the child. Parents who spend at least 146 nights per year with their child also receive a reduced obligation in child support, which can help mitigate the fact that they already bear almost half of the financial burden in terms of food, housing, and personal items.

Why Hire an Attorney for Your Case?

While the assistance of an attorney is not required during a child support case or divorce, it is highly advised. Thanks to the new income-shares model and its potential limitations, legal aid may be even more critical to the outcome of a case. The reason for this is that the paying parent could (and many have in other states where this model is being used) attempt to gain more time with the child, just to reduce their child support obligation. If this increased time is not in the best interest of the child (or is alleged not to be), it could delay the process. In extreme circumstances, parents may have to litigate the parenting time order before settling on their child support.

Contact Our DuPage County Family Law Attorneys

At J. Aldrich Law, P.C., we offer the personalized and attentive services that you and your family deserve. We stand by your side, protecting the rights and best interests of you and your child at every turn. No matter what your situation, we pursue the most favorable outcome possible. Schedule your personalized consultation with our DuPage County family law attorneys to get started. Call 630-953-3000 today.



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